Hi! Welcome to an experimental version of PARK BENCH, theater simple's wide-ranging conversation about...anything and everything.
THIS MONTH - MAY 2020, since we cannot join the community in person, we are asking the community to join us.  

We have THREE TOPICS we are examining -   
      1) voting habits (mostly for those in the USA, but  we'd love to hear habits and perspectives from other places!) Deadline: Oct 10, 2020 
      2) what the word 'citizen' means to you. deadline: Nov 7, 2020 
      3) the role of creativity in isolation   deadline: Nov 22, 2020 

We are asking folx OF ALL AGES to record an audio file or a VOICE MEMO answering the following prompts. Email the file to us at   (There are many awesome youtube videos explaining how, but most smartypants phones have this app.) If you still need an assist, reach out to us, and we'll be happy to help sort it out.  

The podcast question/prompts follow.  When you record - please begin by sharing your name, your city or country, and (optional) your age group/ demographic or current favorite work of art. Feel free to write out your responses and read that, or just record off the top of your head!
You DO NOT NEED to answer all the prompts for every topic!  Perhaps choose an idea or two that resonates MOST with you. We suggest answering whatever seems most interesting to YOU NOW. If it leads you down other paths, cool. And if you want to do this WITH someone, that's A-OK. Just work to not interrupt each other. (for editing purposes)
    Finally - WHAT WE NEED in your recording, please include -    

  • Your name (which will be kept off podcast - for our records only.) And with what sort of device are you recording?  
  • How do you identify yourself? (whether on a census form, a ballot or legally) One of our goals is representation, so we need to know how you represent  - by geography, age, hair color, education, economics, relationships, ancestors... however you define yourself  
  • The statement that "theater simple has my permission to use these voice recordings in the podcast, PARK BENCH."   
  • Your location in the world. (City/state/country/ continent... any of all of it.)   
  • And a good contact email*.   

         THESE PODCAST WILL BE KEPT ANONYMOUS.    HOWEVER   - we will send you the link via your *good email so that YOU can send it along to your posse, family, or friends. 

Podcast question/prompts - and please note to which ideas you are responding in your submission

       1) Podcast prompts: "voting habits" (mostly for those in the USA, but gosh - we'd love to hear perspectives from other places!)  

    • Do you recall the first time you were at a polling place? Who else was there? How old were you?  What else do you remember?
    • Are you registered to vote currently? (or) Have you voted recently? Why or why not? (OR - do you recall the first time you voted? What do you remember?] OR What are the voting rules where you are? Is it compulsory or is there effort involved to be able to cast a ballot?  
    • Are you planning to vote in the next year? Why or why not? [We are not as curious about your affiliations as much as your connection to the process]  
    • BONUS: If you could identify only one issue that is important to YOU (even if it might be a deep secret from even your closest companions) that has any profile on a local, federal or global scale, what might that be? We will preserve anonymity as much as we can.

      2) Podcast prompt: What does the concept of 'citizen' or 'citizenship' means to you?  

    • That's the question. Take a few minutes and consider your perspective on this. Whether you can give us a few sentences, or a few minutes, we're interested. .
    • And - as an experiment - ask this to your family and friends. {BONUS! RECORD THEIR THOUGHTS, TOO!}
    • Is there different 'citizenship' for different ages? [Is that something still on report cards??]
    • How would you gather a vibrant community of citizens around you?  And remember to let us know where you are in the world, friend. 

     3) Podcast prompts: Consider CREATIVITY (your own or other's) How can it be useful to you or others during this current moment? 

    How has your creative life changed with shelter-in-place/quarantine/ the 'new normal'? What does 'creativity' mean for you now? Has it changed at all these last many days? Why or why not, do you think? Any challenges or frustrations? Any surprises or pleasures? 
    Has social distancing (or its equivalent where you are) made you think differently about the value of the various arts and creativity? 
    What art/creativity are you being drawn to currently? How are you engaging with it? Is this different than your 'normal' electricity? 
    What type of art or creative outlet are you missing the most currently? Is this a surprise? Why or why not? 
    BONUS: Are you finding value in the ideas around 'creativity' during a pandemic? Is this a surprise? Can you talk about any changes in perception, if that is germane?